Image result for au revoir
I expounded something from nothing.

With all backstabs each received, I think, we may conclude that 2017 was a time span of tolerating and accepting betrayals to save relationships and friendships. We kept on putting bandages on bullet holes, kept on putting alcohol on deep wounds and kept on thinking this, and this, and this, are all alright, no, they aren’t.

A year of becoming the antonyms of wiser, stronger and bolder entity that continuously fighting his inner demons to find his real angels.

A momentum when our boats were already sinking but bearing in mind everything would be fine. Hands that were supposedly be there in times of need, but, they weren’t. Hands that let us drown in spaces of water and managing to put blocks on top of our heads. Tying ropes to our feet to achieve 100% suffocation. Turns out, they successful killed you. They did not. Surfacing the deep depths of oceans no one would even dare to help you out with. But when you do, they would act like they cared. In the first place, they did not. Getting your revenge and turning out you were the villain. Surprise. They were the victims. Inverting meanings the what have been. Twisting the minds of the cretins to move justice away from your periphery. They won. 
This 2018,
everything will fall into places.

With how disastrous each angle life perceives us, how degrading each thought we dive into, how insulting each gesture we’ve done for ourselves. Congratulate yourself, you made it.

This year made me realized that not everyone is your friend but not everyone matters anyway. With each striking wave of water flushed down cities of vivid hope, I learned how to build upgraded infrastructures that could wind stand powerful hits and bludgeons.

Revolving around certain nucleus, grasping on ropes of the near broken, climbing to hills of shattered glasses, putting trusts into the people who do not even deserve them.

With all the leaches that stick to you when times of success then leave you in darkness.

I expounded something from nothing.

I celebrate individuals who celebrate their weaknesses, that never hid their flaws in the medias. That accepted themselves for who are them. I am with you. I have my own too.

With all betrayals we've received, let yourself accept more for you'll be immune.

Life sticks with betrayals, whether you like it or not.

This ending embarks a new journey for all of us to become smarter as days progress. Never repeat history. Learn from it. Save your future.

Let your heart be vulnerable but never let it be broken by the same hands twice.

As well, never seek revenge, it's not all about it, it's about clemency. Learn to forgive but never forget

Treat yourself right.

With all second versions of volumes of people, there would be who would stay at your side in regardless of how hard you treated them, how unimportant you viewed them, how twisting the words you uttered to and for them. Thank you for the gift not everyone could give.

Honestly, I also grasp the concept of becoming real, people do not even put exclamation marks on you when you did something good. It's always the bad that gets highlighted first. So, grab that opportunity to make real statements and conclusions. No one remembers virtuous deeds anyway.

The people whom you protected, will kill you afterwards. Always have that in mind.

And it's okay.

Continue living your life

Continue aspiring to be your best self

Continue being we in a world of I's.

When the sun is setting, city lights are flickering, cars are roaring. There would be only three things that stick with you, always.


Your family



Hope this serves as a reminder!

Happy Holidays!