Humans of JJLHS


Every day, we catch glimpses of forwarding bodies who are striving towards success, running through tiny holes of liberation, continuously grasping thorns in the name of luck and fame – often finding themselves in lakes with no water, and sacrificing bits of gold particles to attain multiple bars of bronze -- without even knowing their inspirations behind certain gestures.

We see people’s faces as exteriors too far from their insides. Radiant smiles that bear masked depressions, steady knees that hide wracking nerves, hopeful desires that once left behind closets, and stories that were once unheard.

Communicating to each as matter of prerequisites not personal callings, perceiving them using visuals of the near broken, without knowing truths, concluding endings excluding precludes, and making comments without seeing bigger pictures.

We believe that each member of our community has crowns that need to bear the unembellished, missing diamonds, uncoated paintings, and weak support system. All before considered sub-optimal levels and intermittently humiliated for it was never considered acceptable in the eyes of few, slowly, by many.




The crown of Humans of Judge Juan Luna High School comprised of diamonds – stories that were once left unheard, entities that were once unrecognized and names that were once rolled and drawn into boxes.

It was you.

The inspiration.

Humans of JJLHS was a vision having one goal to share the sights of people whom inscribed stories that strived towards success, ran through liberation, grasped thorns and changed platforms. The eye abaft this was the humans who made the impossible, possible -- through adamantine faith and consistent perseverance.

The pressure of giving justice to each piece makes our pen shakes while thinking of terminologies that could give the right to the rightful. Each passing day, different entities come into mind and often having mental debates with selves to which are whom, and with finalized wrapped ribbons narrations, the list was made into a reality.

Interviewing an array of individuals known for their respective fields and digging their life stories into hand were things we have been eternally grateful for. The experience being in the same dais with them makes everything, floating. Each story is worth repeating hundreds of times in recording devices during conversations, depriving self in sleeps, and criticizing own works and thinking on how betterment could be contingent are some of the uncountable bullet points we have in our minds during the creative process.

The fear of not giving enough was something we were petrified while scribbling stories hand in hand. Before posting the already been judged, revisions were made possible. One was not a choice, often, all the times, 12th nor 14th was not considered “best”. It was a difficult momentum for some days were not made into processes, creative light wasn’t visible, and minds were exhausted in the journey of finding it. The debilitation was apparent, yet the burning passion grew brighter, and seen sharper.

It was all worth it.

To the humans who shared their personal perceptions, thank you for entrusting us vulnerable pieces of your lives that made you all, unique. Thank you for sharing something that made you, yourself today. You inspired masses of individuals. You broadened limitations. You exceeded the regular.

Never sight your crown as a headgear befouled nor destroyed, use each trial as jewelries to decorate it and wear it as it should be. Never look down, it may fall.

As our ink’s about to dry up, let these humans be your sources of optimistic angles to continue making everything, possible. Pivot yourself into something worthy. You are more than a face in a crowded room. You are more than just leaves piled up during fall seasons, you are more than just a canvass.

You are you.

And that alone, makes you rarer than the stars.

Wear your crown like a royalty for you are already one.

You are the writer of your own Humans of JJLHS.

Herold Jeusczar Buenconsejo
(Writer, Humans of JJLHS)